11 reasons why women love masculine men and how you can become one

4 images of masculine men, 1 a black man in a swanky suit, a man on a kayak in a bayou, a couple embracing at sunset in a flower field, and a business man in a suit. Text: 11 reasons why women love masculine men and how you can embrace them.

Women love masculine men that’s no secret, so embrace what they love. 

In the reasons why are more than skin deep. 

Women are biologically tuned to look for certain traits in a potential mate. 

And then men, many of those traits come across in the form of traditional masculinity. 

So below, I’ve compiled 11 reasons why women love, masculine man. 

1. Masculine men have presence 

A man who is at home, and his masculinity has a certain presence to him. 

When he walks into a room people notice.

It’s nothing to do with his looks, but rather the way he carries himself in the way he addresses others. 

Part of the physical masculine, features that a man can control in his life for the things like how he carries himself. 

And how a man carries himself gives huge signs to others about where he stands as a man.

Posture is a key trait women look for when they are looking for masculine traits like confidence in a man.

It’s like a sign that instantly shows everyone that you have a sense of self-worth.

And that is immediately recognizable by women as masculine. 

2. Women love when they see a man has purpose 

One of the defining traits of a masculine man is having a sense of purpose. 

When a man has a purpose in life, when he has a goal is on the path towards that goal, women can see it clearly. 

It signals to them they’re not confident, but he is competent and has the ambition to build a life worth attaching themselves too. 

A purpose gives a man a cause to rally himself around. 

It lays out a path for him to walk down with a clear goal at the end, and that goal is what attracts women to him. 

But more than that, the man with purpose signals that he is comfortable taking responsibility. 

And that signals to him, and that he will be a good provider, a good protector, and a good man. 

3. Women love the honesty and trust a masculine man brings 

It is because telling the truth is often hard to do. 

An honest man is trustworthy, and when a woman can trust you, she can feel safe with you. 

And safety is one of the greatest attraction building traits. Safety is a primal thing for women especially when it comes to dealing with men. 

This is because we can be a threat to women.  

If a woman doesn’t feel she can fully trust you, she will never feel safe with you. 

And when a woman feels safe with a man who becomes very easy for her to begin building up the sense of attraction to him. 

Not only that, but trustworthiness is one of the very foundational principles of building a successful relationship. 

When a woman can see you as trustworthy and honest, she can see you as a successful partner. 

Research has also shown that trust is one of the most important factors in relationships between men and women.

4. Women see that they are generous with themselves 

Masculine men are generous with themselves, this isn’t just something I’m making up but one of the core tenants of stoicism. 

It is because masculine energy is made to provide. 

A man who has at home in his masculine frame, seeks to help others. 

This doesn’t mean that you must give up your own wants and needs for other people. 

It doesn’t mean leaving giant tips or giving extravagant gifts to ladies you are pursuing. 

It means living your life so that others know you give from your heart, and when the time comes, you are dependable. 

Generosity is a subtle trait and as a man it’s important to understand the difference between being generous and being taken advantage of or showing off.  

True generosity comes from the heart and makes us feel good for having given to someone. This is why things like volunteering are so attractive to women. 

5. Masculine men have ambition  

Women, see ambition, for the same reasons why they look for a man with purpose, because they are looking at a man’s future. 

When a woman is looking for a potential partner, she’s not looking at what the man was five years ago she is looking at what he will be five years from now. 

And by having ambition, she can see a future that you are building. 

And she can begin to mentally see herself aligning and attaching to the future. 

If the purpose is the set of goals in your life, ambition is the fuel that is going to get you there. 

In today’s age how many young men have a deep sense of purpose, but waste years in front of video games?  

Ambition is the difference between a dreamer and a doer. It’s the difference between the men who want to be millionaires and those who become them. 

6. Women love the confidence that comes from masculinity 

It’s no surprise to anyone that confidence is associated with masculinity. 

When we think of masculine men, the stereotypes that come to mind, are the macho man trying to walk around building machismo. 

But if we look at it like petroleum machismo is like the crude oil that comes from the earth, unrefined, dirty. 

Masculinity is like that jet fuel that rises to the top after everything else has been refined away. 

Confidence comes from our own competence in what we’re doing. 

Which is why confidence is so attractive to a woman. Because it’s signals that a man is competent in his life. 

7. Physical strength means protection in her mind 

A man who is physically fit and strong signals to everyone who sees him that his is the body of a man. 

Physical strength is one thing that cannot be detached from the idea of masculinity. 

Because to become physically strong requires work effort, determination, and discipline. 

The average American man is 28% body fat and has low testosterone. 

Being physically fit is attractive to women on a primal level. 

It sends biological cues, that you are healthy and well genetically be a good match to mate with. 

It signals that you can protect and provide on a survival level, and consciously modern women understand that to be fit in our world of fast food, is an achievement. 

3 images of masculine men, 1 of a businessman talking with a woman, 1 of a fisherman with abs showing, 1 of a man looking at the ocean from a rock. Text: Women see physical, emotional and spiritual strength in a truly masculine man.

8. Women love a masculine man’s emotional strength 

When it comes to emotions and men, it’s easy for us to go into the stereo types of the walled off individual. 

A man who is closed off his emotions, who doesn’t express that I knew, lacks the emotional intelligence to empathize and connect with a woman. 

But when we look at the ideas of stoicism, having a masculine frame of mind when it comes to our emotions, is to be in control of them. 

Instead of being cold and callous, a man that is at home in his masculine energy is open to his feelings, and understands how, and when they should properly be expressed. 

He understands that empathizing with others builds connection and helps those who he cares about to connect deeper with him. 

9. Women see masculine men as leaders 

When we envision a man who is a leader of others, we picture a man who stands tall to hold his head high speaks loudly clearly, and with purpose. 

We envision a man of dignity and of moral strength. 

And when women see these characteristics a man, she sees him as a leader and that is very attractive. 

A man who can lead, is a man who will always be able to provide, and women see that quality in him. 

He is a man who is not going to be walked on, but it’s going to be walking out in front pulling others up. 

10. Women understand masculinity is protective of the feminine 

Masculine energy is protective. 

As men it is instinctual to want to protect your family and loved ones from harm. 

But it is also instinctual to protect women from harm as well.

Now is this 100% accurate? No, of course not.  

There are plenty of bad men out there, willing and waiting to pray upon the week including women. 

But those aren’t masculine men, those aren’t stoic men, their cowards too weak to build something for themselves so the take and attack. 

This is why western culture of abhors domestic violence towards women so much.  

Because culturally, we understand that a man would attack the feminine is it going against nature itself. 

He’s going against the most basic biological thing that makes a man good. 

11. Women know masculine men will never accept failure 

What a woman sees a truly masculine man she sees an entire list of traits. 

Add together all those, build a picture of success. 

It builds a picture of a man that will never accept failure. 

A masculine man will push himself to be better he will push himself to grow his career. 

He will push himself to grow his marriage and his family. 

And even when there are roadblocks, and when he hits a setback, there is no failure. 

He will pull himself up and continue moving towards greatness. 

Be a man be masculine 

So often in our society, when we think of masculinity, we picture the toxic traits that no one likes and men.  

When in reality, the traits that are true, masculinity are those traits that built the modern world. 

They are the traits every woman can see you in a man who will be a good husband and a father.

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