15 reasons why women love confident men and how you can show them

3 images of confident men, 2 businessmen and one hiking along a cliff. Text: 15 reasons why women love confident men

We’ve all heard women love confidence in men, here’s why they do.

Everybody knows that one of the most attractive features to a woman is confidence in a man. 

Confidence is continuously rated, has the most attractive feature a man can possess when women are asked in dating preference studies. 

But what makes confidence such an appealing trade to women. 

What is it about a confident man that triggers, that primal, attractive instinct in her. 

The truth, as being confident is a sign of potential success, in many ways. 

It’s a sign to her that a man is a good bet for a potential relationship. 

Now before we start, these aren’t all encompassing and not all women are attracted to the same things so keep that in mind when dealing with your own unique lady.

1. Confident men are generally competent men 

Confidence a sign of competence  

It’s a survival instinct for us, when people see someone who’s very confident, we believe that it is because they have achieved some level of success in whatever it is, they’re doing. 

A professional fighter is calm and collected, when stepping into the ring, where untrained man would be shaking in his boots. 

That is because the professional has trained for the situation, and it’s confident in his abilities. 

And to women confidence in a man signals, a level of social competence, and as having already achieved some level of success in his life. 

2. Women love the sense of purpose a confident man has 

Confidence comes from having a sense of purpose  

Confidence is one of those characteristics that is built by having a purpose in life. 

A man without goals, often lacks the ambition to ever become good at something to cover, build that confidence in himself. 

But when we see confidence in people we equate that with their ambition. 

Women can see that, and it gives them a point to be able to subconsciously attach themselves to that life he is building. 

3. Women are attracted to the presence that comes from a confident man 

Confident men bring a sense of presence that builds attraciton through non-verbal communication.

We all know the kind of guy walks into the room, and instantly everybody looks up. 

It’s because he carries himself with a certain presence that shows confidence and demands respect. 

Walking into a room with your head up your shoulders back standing tall, shows everybody else in the room, that you are confident in yourself as a man. 

That way of carrying yourself, that would builds up a sense of presents in a man. 

People look at how a man carries himself and take it subconsciously as a sign of how he carries his life. 

You don’t have to be loud to build up your presence you don’t have to be obnoxious, you simply have to carry yourself with an aura of confidence. 

4. Confidence can be associated with honesty in men  

Confidence is associated with honesty 

It comes as a surprise to most men when we read the women find the nice guy to be unattractive, if not creepy. 

Because the nice guy attitude is often associated with being disingenuous. 

The man who is trying to be the nice guy is seen as playing the role, as acting in part to try to win the girl. 

Where as a good man will be kind just because that’s the right thing to do. 

A man who is confident in himself, is often disagreeable, and isn’t afraid to tell a woman how he disagrees with her. 

Honesty is highly attractive to women, because it’s a sign of a man’s heart, it shows them immediately what kind of partner is going to be in life. 

What a man is confident in himself he is not afraid to be honest and women inherently notice. 

2 images of a man and woman together. Text: Women associate confidence in a man with ambition, drive and success, which are all attraction factors for women so embrace your inner confidence and become the man she's looking for.

5. Women love ambition and confidence signals it in men 

Confidence is something that signals ambition in a man because confidence generally has to be earned through competence. 

And to become competent in life a man has to have gone out and driven himself build up to level of experience. 

Ambition and drive are consistently rated as two of the sexiest qualities a man can have. 

When a woman sees a man with a high level of self-confidence, she instinctively ties that into his level of ambition in life. 

A man with ambition isn’t going to be a failure, he isn’t going to be homeless or jobless, and women know this. 

Regardless of where he is at now, a man with ambition has a future. 

And when women look at a man as a potential partner she is looking at the future he is building. 

6. Women love a man who’s mentally strong 

Confidence in men shows mental strength 

Confidence is one of the most clear signs of somebody who has a strong mental fortitude. 

And it’s because to be confident, you must be willing to stand for what you know is right. 

To be confident to no one, except yourself in the situation you’re in without giving in to worry or fear of what others may think of you. 

That mental strength is attractive to women because it signals that the man will be a good protector, provider and leader in life. 

7. Women view a confident man as a leader 

Women see confident men as leaders 

We shouldn’t be surprised that people rate leaders as being highly confident and people who have a high level of confidence has been good leaders. 

Think of the CEOs and politicians you know of, how many are timid and meek? 

Chances are none because to be in that position, requires somebody to be a leader. 

It requires somebody to confidently stand and take charge. 

When women look at a man who braces his confidence, they see a leader. 

They see somebody who has the potential to take charge when it’s time, and they see someone who isn’t gonna sit there and let life pass them by. 

Leader ship is it trait that women are instinctively attracted to because it’s a survival trait. 

And by being confident, you are displayed the traits of a leader within yourself. 

8. Women know confidence means a man has overcome failure 

Confidence shows overcoming failure 

Confidence in a man shows that he has, and will overcome failures. 

A man can’t gain self-confidence, without having to come against challenges in his life. 

Confidence comes when he overcomes each of those challenges. 

To be confident in yourself is to be confident in the fact that you will persevere, so your life will be successful because a failure is nothing more than a moment personal growth. 

9. Confident men are independent and that’s attractive 

Confidence goes hand in hand with independence  

Confidence and independence are joined together and each of us. 

A man who is dependent on others, cannot be confident in himself, because he can’t depend on himself. 

But what a woman she’s a confident man she sees someone who can be dependent on because he himself is independent. 

Confident men are building themselves into something better, and that takes a fiercely independent mindset. 

Independence in a man shows everybody else that his life is his own to make as great as he can. 

When women look at a man who is independent, she can see that sense of providing in him because she can see the care he has already placed over his own life and goals. 

10. Women love masculine traits in men 

Confidence is a masculine trait 

So we’re here almost every time his ass of women what is the number 110 guys can do when you approaches you? 

And every single time we hear be confident. 

Why is that consistently rent? That’s the most important thing when talking to a woman? 

It’s because confidence is it inherently masculine trait. 

So women are naturally attracted to it. 

Confidence is one of the primal treats when it comes to attraction. 

Because it is so deeply tied into all the other traits a man will possess confidence has become an instinctual trait of survivability. 

Men who are at home within their masculine energy come across as safe and protected us to women. 

They come across as a good provider, someone who offers a high chance of survivability. 

Traits of a confident man that women love. Infographic

11. Confidence has long been associated with courage 

Because confidence is directly tied to competence and experience, it is also associated with courage. 

This is because to go through the experience needed to become competent and confident, a man has to have stood against many of life’s problems. 

Courage in a man is more than just bravado, it’s more than stunts and showing off. 

With a woman sees courage to the man, true courage, she knows that man is dependable and reliable, and someone she can put her trust in. 

12. Women see that a confident man can be dominant 

Confident men can be dominant. 

Confidence brings a lot to a man. 

And one of the things that brings is the ability to be dominant. 

Notice I did not say dominating. 

But a dominant man is a man who can lead. 

It’s a man who can take charge of the situation, and Riley those around him into a team. 

Dominance in a man is attractive because the signals that he is a decision maker and not going to let life pass him by. 

13. Women know a confident man will pursue what he wants 

A confident man will pursue his woman. 

And women love being pursued by their man. 

It gives them a sense of truly being wanted and loved by him. 

Women also know that it takes confidence to pursue and show your interest and arousal in someone, especially once you’re in a relationship. 

A confident man is more likely to pursue what he wants, and her, because he has the internal strengths to fight against the anxieties and pressure of a relationship. 

And women understand that those strengths transfer a lot deeper into building a healthy relationship. 

14. Confident men have high self-control 

Confidence and self-control go hand in hand. 

You can’t have one without the other because they are two sides of the same coin. 

For a man to be able to control himself he needs to have the confidence to stand on his principles. 

And having that kind of mental strength is very attractive to women. 

It signals different things like leadership, discipline, loyalty, and fortitude, all of which are needed by a man to sustain a lifelong relationship. 

Women have an innate understanding of this which is why they list these traits as attractive. 

It shows the kind of man he will be to her years down the road when the honeymoon phase is just a memory, and the real work has begun. 

15. Confident men are proactive 

To be confident, you have to possess some sense of being proactive, of being able to look at a situation and analyze what’s coming. 

And that proactiveness is a huge attraction factor for men because just like self-control, it ticks numerous different positive traits. 

A proactive man is more likely to be able to manage his finances, move up the career ladder, plan dates, keep her needs met and so on. 

These traits move beyond just what us men usually think of, things like our jobs, and directly translate into how women view a future relationship with you. 

A proactive man can look ahead to their future and build something with a woman together. 

Women love confident men, be confident 

Men, look at yourself and accept yourself for who you are now, and then start getting better. 

It’s up to us to lift ourselves up as men, society isn’t going to do it. 

It’s up to us to look deep into ourselves and start cutting out those traist that are holding us back from being the man we truly want to be. 

And then we can build up those traits that will lead us into the life we want to make for ourselves. 

And once you start down that path of growth, you start becoming a man that is attractive to women on a fundamental level. 

When you embrace your masculinity and start boosting your self-confidence, you start taking on the masculine traits that women look for in a life partner and a husband. 

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