How to Ace a First Date: Tips for Men and Women

3 images of couples having a great first date. Text: How to ace a 1st date. Tips for guys and gals.

Here’s how to turn your first date into the first of many more.

First dates can be exciting, nerve-wracking, and fun.

They can also be a great opportunity to get to know someone new and see if there is a potential for a romantic connection.

But how do you make sure that your first date goes well and leaves a positive impression on both of you?

Here are some quick and easy tips for men and women on how to ace your first date and increase your chances of getting a second one.

What do you do Before a Date?

  • Choose a casual location or activity where you can talk comfortably. Don’t be like everyone else and go for drinks at the local dive bar. Find natural conversation starters from what you notice around you and have fun with what you’re doing. Try outdoor places like parks, botanic gardens, or zoos. But be sure to end with dinner because the annual Singles in America surveys show a date that ends with dinner is more likely to have a second.

  • Give your date specific suggestions so the planning isn’t on them. Avoid generic planning questions like “What do you want to do?” or “When do you want to meet?” Instead, give your date specific location, date, or activity options—the variety shows you’re thoughtful and it takes planning pressure off of them. 

  • Confirm that the date is still on a few hours beforehand. Send your date a short text asking if they’re still available to firm up your plans for the night. Being direct increases the chance someone will go on a date in the first place and shows your interest and honesty. It also verifies for the and you that the date is still on and any fear they had of getting stood up is gone.

  • Take time to calm your nerves, look your best, and get in a positive headspace. When you’re comfortable, your date is comfortable too. Try some relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, or listening to music, to ease your anxiety before the date. Dress appropriately for the occasion and wear something that makes you feel confident and attractive. And the most important thing is to be present and enthusiastic for the date.

During the Date

  • Make your date feel at ease—give them simple compliments, ask them about themselves, and avoid dominating the conversation. Everyone likes to receive genuine compliments, so don’t be shy to express your admiration for your date’s appearance, personality, or interests. You can also use eye contact to build attraction and tension. Ask open-ended questions that encourage your date to share more about themselves, such as their hobbies, passions, goals, or opinions. Listen attentively and show interest in what they say. 

  • Use humor and be playful. Humor is one of the most attractive qualities in a potential partner, so don’t be afraid to crack some jokes and make your date laugh. Humor can also help break the ice and ease any tension or awkwardness that may arise during the date. Be playful and flirtatious with your date, but don’t go overboard or be inappropriate.

  • Create a strong first impression. The first impression you make on your date can have a lasting impact on how they perceive you and whether they want to see you again. To create a positive first impression, be punctual, polite, respectful, and honest. Avoid checking your phone, talking about your exes, lying about anything, or being rude to others during the date. 
2 images of couples enjoying a first date. Text: During the date show your interest and attraction to them by using body language like mirroring, leaning in and touch to build intimacy.

What to do After the Date

  • Read your date’s cues about whether a kiss at the end of the date is appropriate. Go for a hug if you’re not sure. A kiss can be a romantic way to end your time together, but it can also be awkward or unwanted if the timing or chemistry is off. To avoid any misunderstandings or rejections, pay attention to your date’s signals throughout the date and especially at the end of it. If they seem interested in you, lean in closer to you, touch you gently, or linger around when saying goodbye, they may be open to a kiss. If they seem distant, pull away from you, avoid eye contact, or hurry to leave, they may not be ready for a kiss. 

  • Follow up with a text or a call to express your interest and gratitude. Don’t wait too long to contact them after the date is over. Those dating gurus that say wait 3 days to build interests are wrong, that signals your disinterest. Send them a text or a call within 24 hours to let them know that you had a good time and that you appreciate their company.

  • Ask them out again if you want to see them more. If you feel a connection with your date and you want to pursue a relationship with them, don’t hesitate to ask them out again. Be direct and confident, but not pushy or needy. You can say something like: “I really enjoyed our date and I’d love to see you again. Are you free next weekend?” or “I had a lot of fun with you and I’m curious to know more about you. 

First dates are the gateway to an amazing relationship and you can make yours amazing with these simple tips

First dates can be challenging, but they can also be rewarding and enjoyable.

By following these tips, you can ace your date and increase your chances of finding your perfect match.

Remember to be yourself, have fun, and keep an open mind. Good luck and happy dating!

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