The 15 Most Attractive Hobbies a Man Can Have 

3 images of men doing attractive hobbies, one is hiking in the desert, another is kayaking in a bayou, and the last is a man meditating in the mountains. Text: 15 most attractive hobbies a man can have.

A man’s hobby for a woman is a look into who he really is.

Hobbies are more than just ways to pass the time or have fun.  

They are a part of what makes us as a man.  

Our hobbies are a deep part of who we are and what we are going to become in life. 

They can also reveal a lot about your personality, skills, and interests. And some hobbies can make you more attractive to women. 

Whether it’s because they show your adventurous side, you being creative, or that you truly care.  

A woman looks at the things a man fills his time with as a potential attraction or something that makes him less attractive. 

Here are 15 hobbies that women find irresistible in men. 

A traveling man is on top of the world  

Traveling is one of the most attractive hobbies a man can have for multiple reasons.  

It shows that you are curious, open-minded, and adventurous.  

It also shows that you have the means and the courage to explore new places and cultures which shows you have the means to provide for a woman. 

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to learn that women love a man who can bring them to new places and give them new experiences. 

But a big trip a few years ago doesn’t count as a travel hobby. So unless you travel at least a couple times a year, leave this one off the profile. 

Dancing  gets her grooving 

I know, I used to be a wallflower, to afraid of looking stupid, but dancing is a great hobby for men who want to impress women.  

It shows that you have rhythm, coordination, and style, but it also hits on a lot of other mental factors going on in her head. 

It shows that you are fun, outgoing, and not afraid to let loose and have a good time without worrying about what others will think.  

Women love men who can make them feel good on the dance floor and it translates mentally to the ability to make them feel good in life and in the bedroom. 

Dancing, really getting out with a woman and cutting loose shows her that you are a man who is comfortable with himself and will be a fun partner. 

Home brewing/wine making 

People love alcohol, that shouldn’t be any kind of surprise.  

But how many guys have made their own? 

Home brew kits are cheap. For the price of a few cases of beer you can be ready to start making an endless supply of beers that put the big brands to shame. 

Home brewing turns you into the bringer of the parties and shows a creative side in a masculine way. 

If you want a crazier yet sexier hobby, try making your own wine.  

It’s similar and simple just like brewing but can give you that classy vibe that makes women feel luxurious.  

I just started a couple rows of wine grapes at my home this year and I’ve already had women ask if I make wine with them.

2 images, one of a couple in Gran Turk, the other is a man in front of a castle. Text: Travel and exploring are attractive to women because it shows a man's sense of adventure and having fun.

Pets liven up your life  

Having a pet is a hobby that women find adorable and attractive in men.  

How many TikToks and Youtube videos have to be made of women saying a dating profile pic with an animal is like gold do we have to see before we catch on? 

Having pets shows that you have a soft spot, a sense of responsibility, and a nurturing side.  

It also shows that you are loyal, faithful, and loving.  

These all equate to a good bet for a safe, stable, and loving relationship. 

Women love men who have furry friends and can show that they care about more than just themselves. 

Outdoor activities  

Outdoor activities are things like hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, cycling, skiing, and many more.  

But the point is, they get you out into nature. 

Being able to take her out on a hike or kayaking is a chance to do something more than just another date of dinner and drinks. It’s a real experience and a chance to bond. 

Outdoors hobbies can also show a woman that you care for the environment which equates to caring for things other than yourself. 

Playing Music  

Music is a hobby that can take many forms.  

You can play an instrument, sing, write songs, produce beats, or DJ but it doesn’t really matter so much how you create as much as the fact that you do create.  

Music shows that you have creativity, talent, and passion.  

An interest in music also shows women that you have a good sense of rhythm, melody, and harmony.  

Women love watching men play music regardless of how. The movements, rhythm and melodies attracts them on more levels than just the physical or mental. 

Yoga isn’t just for chicks  

Yea yoga is kind of looked at as a chick hobby but, it’s also a hobby that combines physical exercise, mental relaxation, and spiritual awareness.  

Which are all things women look for in men already. 

Think of it like meditation while practicing contortion. 

Yea, it shows that you’re flexible but what’s more is that it shows women you are balanced, and calm.  

Women look deeply at a man’s levels of aggression and it’s a turn off because for them it’s a safety issue.  

But practicing a lifestyle that helps to release those negative emotions displays you are actively seeking to be a safe place for her. 

Yoga also shows that you are open-minded, mindful, and in touch with your inner self.  

Women love a man who can appreciate a holistic approach to living and share an activity they are interested in. 

Cooking is a way to her heart 

Cooking is a hobby that women appreciate and admire in men.  

It shows that you have creativity, taste, and skill.  

But it goes a lot further than that.  

By cooking for a woman, cooking a real meal, something fancy and good, a man is showing her that he is giving, generous, romantic and willing to put in effort to make something good in her life. 

It’s in almost ever rom-com and prime time show, the scene of a woman swooning over a man while he cooks, and it’s because it’s true. 

Animal volunteer  

Animals are cute and cuddly. 

So, it’s only natural that a man volunteering his time to help cute and cuddly animals would be looked at as a potential cute and cuddly partner right? 

Jokes aside, volunteering in general is a huge display of compassion. 

When a woman sees a man volunteering his time and energy to help creatures that can’t help themselves it triggers her sense of family and shows a glimpse of the kind of father you would be. 

And when you volunteer at a place that takes care of animals like a shelter or vet clinic, you are doubling that compassion with another living creature. 

Animal shelters are always in need of volunteers and the good men who do, have a step up when it comes to attractive hobbies. 


Reading is a hobby that enriches your mind and expands your horizons.  

It shows that you are intelligent, curious, and well-informed.  

It also shows women that you have a good imagination, vocabulary, and memory.  

Women like to be stimulated by their man, and by reading you are giving yourself more of a foundation of knowledge to do it with. 

You can talk about a book you each read or have a conversation about some deep topic because of an article. 

Either way, reading is like a doorway into a new realm of discussion with your woman.  

Whether it’s the news or a great book you should be reading everyday. 


I don’t know of a woman who isn’t intrigued by a man making something with his bare hands, and maybe tools. 

Woodworking is a hobby that involves creating or repairing things out of, you guessed it, wood.  

It shows that you are handy, crafty, and resourceful which directly corresponds to handy in a home, as in their home with you.  

It also shows that you have patience, precision, and attention to detail.  

Women love men are handy and can take care of the minor fixes around the house, but when you take it to the level of creating something, it becomes an artform she can appreciate on a different level. 

Fitness and the gym  

Exercise is not only good for your health and fitness, but also for your attractiveness.  

Being in shape shows that you care about your appearance and your well-being.  

Hitting the gym does more than just build you up inside. A good masculine body is attractive to women for the same reasons men are attracted to a woman’s figure. 

It also shows that you are disciplined, determined, and confident.  

My own confidence has skyrocketed since getting into the gym lifestyle. 

Women love men who can not only keep up with them, but lead the way. 

A man who is in shape also is a huge protection factor for a woman in a relationship. No woman wants to have to take on the bad guy to save her man. 

Martial Arts  

Hobbies that involve learning various forms of combat and self-defense techniques are inherently attractive because they show that a man will be able to keep her safe.  

Martial arts also show that you are strong, agile, and disciplined.  

Men who practice real combat arts like Brazilian jujitsu, krav maga, boxing, shows women that on a deep level you are confident, courageous, and respectful.  

Women love the sense that their man can protect them from a threat should one ever appear.  

It’s a biologically based attraction factor. 

2 images of men working out, one is in a gym lifting weights, the other is boxing with boxing gloves and punching toward the camera. Text: Hitting the gym and martial arts shows women your discipline and strength and those are very attractive.


Photography is an artform that allows a man to capture the beauty of his woman.  

And women find that extremely attractive.  

When you can take her out into a park and take pictures that make her look like a model, you are making her feel like that. 

It shows that you have an artistic eye, a sense of aesthetics, and a knack for storytelling.  

Photography out in nature also shows that you have a passion for exploring and discovering new things.  

Photography is about capturing the beauty of the moment, and when you can do that by capturing the beauty in her, you are building a deep attraction. 


Volunteering is a hobby that involves giving your time or skills to help others in need or support a cause you care about.  

It shows that you are generous, compassionate, and altruistic.  

It also shows that you have a sense of purpose and values.  

Women love seeing a man making a true positive difference in the world, whether it’s in a small way for their community or a national issue.  

Volunteering gives a woman a look into your heart and at the kind of man you truly are. 

Don’t just pass time, have a hobby that builds you up as a man 

These are some of the hobbies that women find attractive in men.  

Of course, these are not the only hobbies, nor are they guaranteed to work for every woman.  

Every woman has her own preferences and tastes when it comes to what she likes in a man.  

But by having hobbies like these you are building up a life that is attractive, and one that is worth living.  

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