Why women love these 15 traits of a stoic man & how to embrace them

images of men out in nature, 2 at night looking at the galaxy and stars and 2 meditating in the mountains. Text: how to embrace these 15 stoic traits women love in men.

Grab hold of the stoic qualities women want in their man and get her attracted.

For most people a stoic man embodies that independent self-resilient mindset. 

When people think of a stoic man, they think of a lone warrior a hunter out in the wilds. 

They think of somebody who can withstand the pressures nature throws at them because the reward for everyone in his life is worth it. 

A stoic man is the embodiment of masculinity because he can be shaken and even if he feels he will pull himself back up to where he can succeed. 

But what does it mean to be stoic and how can you develop stoicism in yourself and your abilities?

In this article, I’ll show you the 15 stoic traits women love in men and how you can embrace them starting today. 

1. A stoic man knows himself 

A stork man is a man who knows himself deeply. 

He knows his own strengths. He takes pride in himself and his accomplishments.

And more importantly he knows his own weaknesses. 

By knowing where strength is lie, a stoic man builds confidence in himself. 

Confidence not cockiness is very attractive in a man because it generally signals that he is very competent in the things he is doing. 

Knowing your own strengths sends the same signals to woman that you’re a protector and that you’re a provider and that you can be a good future. 

A stoic man knowing his own weaknesses builds humility and that sends the same signals. 

2. Stoic men know the value of others 

A stoic man understands that people have their own intrinsic value. 

By knowing himself he knows that other people bring their own strengths which can help him achieve his goals. 

When we value others, it becomes easy to rely on people to share with people. 

And those two things really build the foundation of a real relationship. 

By knowing the value of others, a stoic man uplift those around him instead of using them. 

When we rely on others and lift them up because of their skills it makes them feel good about themselves and makes them enjoy being around us. 

3. A stoic man controls his emotions during stressful times 

When you let a situation get the best of you and you lose control of your emotions, you’re showing weakness to everyone around. 

But a stoic man knows how to control himself and his emotions. 

He knows that during the times when his emotions want to be overwhelming, he needs to rely upon his logic and his mind. 

Instead, a stoic man needs to be the one in control of his emotions so that he can use them to better himself and to achieve his goals. 

A stoic man lets his emotions flow through him in a way that lifts up those people around him. 

2 images, one of a man punching toward the camera and angry, the other is a man with ice on his beard, in the cold staying calm. Text: Stoic men keep calm under pressure, they don't lose their cool or get aggressive. Keep your cool and keep her close.

4. A stoic man is not controlled by destructive thought patterns 

We all have destructive thoughts that come into our heads every now and then. 

But a stoic man will take those thoughts and let them watch over him like waves in the ocean and move on.  

Because someone who is solidly in his masculine state of mind, he knows that his goals his strengths will overcome. 

We all have soft belts and part of being a man just being able to put those aside and continue working towards your goals. 

A man recognizes the difference between thoughts and actions. 

And even though his mind may be swirling with self-doubt. 

He knows there’s a job to do and he gets it done. 

5. Stoic men don’t pour their emotions out on other people 

Sharing your emotions as a man is important. 

It creates bonding and trust between you and your woman. 

But a stoic man knows the difference between sharing his emotions in a healthy way and pouring them out onto other people. 

The key difference in understanding that sharing your emotions Is seeking support.  

While pouring your emotions out on if someone is making it their problem and their issue to deal with. 

A man who can control the negative emotions in his life and still push through to accomplish something is a powerful thing. 

Women see men like this as being driven with purpose and being very attractive. 

6. The stoic man is courageous 

One of the quintessential masculine traits of a man is courage. 

In the greatest courage a man can have is the courage to look at its own flaws and change them. 

It takes courage to grow and develop yourself into something better because it means you have to take off the rose-colored blinders you’ve been looking at your life through. 

It’s not always about standing against some wrong or fighting some enemy. 

True courage is about fighting the enemy within yourself. 

Because the greatest enemy a man will face is being satisfied with mediocrity.

7. The stoic man is highly disciplined 

Think of the greatest man you know of and now think of your friends from school that became losers. 

Chances are there’s a big difference in discipline. 

It takes been able to put your immediate wants on the back burner while you focus on what is most important for your growth. 

Discipline is the key that will be the man to success. 

Discipline builds consistency and effort within a man’s life and drives a man to push through being just satisfied. 

And discipline is one factor more than any other that separates successful men from those that are just mediocre. 

8. Stoic man can see the bigger picture 

One of the biggest differences between CEOs and their employees is that the CEO gets to see the bigger picture for the company. 

A stoic man sees the bigger picture for his own life. 

Part of masculinity is not allowing yourself to be dragged down by minor failures and setbacks. 

Instead, stoic men can see all those minor details intertwined to be something greater within their lives. 

And that something greater is a stoic man’s ultimate goal. 

A stoic man isn’t going to let rejection from one woman keep him from approaching the next. 

He doesn’t let one mistake or failure define him, instead each mistake, each setback is only another step towards greatness. 

9. A stoic man learns from his failures 

One of the greatest things a man can learn to do this to learn from his own failures. 

The moment you begin seeing your mistakes and your failures as a learning experience and moments of growth you become unstoppable. 

There will be moments in life where we all fail, when we all come up short. 

But the difference between failure and success is our mindset. 

It’s taking that failure and turning it into the next step towards greatness. 

The stoic man doesn’t worry about things he can’t control 

Things happen in the real world that we simply can’t control. 

The difference between a stoic man in a beta is that the stole it doesn’t allow those things to consume him. 

The stoic excepts those things that happen that he has no control over. 

And instead of wasting time and energy on them he moves onto the things he can control. 

In this sense a stoic man can seem like he goes with the flow. 

And instead of fighting the current of life he allows life to carry him to new places. 

Image of a man meditating on a rock in the mountains. Text: To be a stoic man you must learn to control your emotions, not suppress them. Feel with empathy and compassion not anger.

10. Stoic men are empathetic 

Society sometimes has a sociopathic vision of a stoic man, Someone who’s unshaken by anyone’s plight. 

One of the traits of masculinity is understanding emotions and being able to relate and show compassion. 

This is the reason why stoic men are so helpful towards others. 

They can empathize with them and feel for the situation they are in. 

Some of the ways stoic men help others in their lives is by being that solid rock they can bounce their ideas and emotions off of. 

11. A stoic man is resilient 

Historic man doesn’t allow circumstance to crush him because he is resilient. 

Resiliency is more than just being tough. 

It’s being able to be hit down while being able to get back up and adapt in order to overcome. 

Resiliency is what is built when a stoic man fails. 

When he learns to overcome some challenge, it is his resiliency that drives him. 

It is resiliency what allows a widowed dad to become an incredible father, stepping out for his wife cannot longer be. 

Resiliency is what allows a man to move on from rejection because he knows she is the one missing out. 

12. Stoic men listen more than they speak 

Stoic men are listeners, do you watch and observe instead of jumping in to get their own point across. 

When he listens, a man let’s others express themselves and show him their feelings their desires and hopes. 

And that’s not only builds connection but also gives the stoic man the info he needs to make the greatest impact possible. 

The key word here is listening. You have to actively listen and engage with what your partner is discussing.

Women love talking with a man who knows how to listen because they can open up and pour their hearts out to him. 

He becomes a safe place for her to share her emotions. 

She sees him as a protector. 

And for women that is incredibly attractive. 

13. Stoic men are kind and fair 

It’s easy for men to go through life thinking of being kind as showing weakness. 

But in reality, kindness is an incredibly powerful strength for a man to possess. 

The reason kindness is so powerful is because it shows grace and humility at the same time. 

When you take a girl out to a restaurant and are kind to the waitress your date sees your heart. 

For a woman kind kindness is often associated with safety in a man. 

Men who are aggressive or come across as pessimistic or mean or a huge turn off to a woman because it signals that if he is this negative on a simple date how will he be once they’re in a relationship? 

14. A stoic man puts those he loves above himself

A stoic man comes from a place of care and responsibility.

That goes first and foremost to his family and loved ones.

A man who is at home in his masculine energy will be putting the needs of his loved ones ahead of himself out of a sense of duty to them.

This sense of duty is extremely attractive to women because it signals that the stoic man will be a good provider and protector regardless of whatever issues may come at them down the road.

If he loses a job she knows it will only be a temporary setback, if there is an illness, she knows he will be there for her.

This sense of safety that stoic men build for the ones they care about builds a deep foundation to their relationships and is part of why women are so attracted to stoic men.

15. A stoic man does not fear death 

Stoic men don’t fear death. 

How can I be a death is the one thing that everybody fears. 

But the stoic man has thought about his own mortality. 

He’s looked at that fact of life and has accepted it as something that will happen so that he may live his best life in the time he has here. 

That acceptance of his own mortality allows a stoic man to perform in the face of overwhelming odds. 

This is something we see all the time and people who have come over come cancer or her I’ve been in intense fire fights. 

Instead of being struck down by that fact of death it becomes something that inspires them and pushes them to lead a greater life. 

The fact that his stoic man understands he may die tonight allows him to enjoy today more than most others ever well. 

End it allows him to be a rock of security and comfort when others in his life have to face that time. 

Be stoic, be masculine, be an attractive man 

The traits of a stoic man are more than simply standing strong and quiet in the face of adversity. 

There is more than shutting yourself off to emotion. 

In this article I’ve shown you the 15 traits of a stoic man women love.

These traits aren’t just attractive to women though, embracing them will help make you a more successful and confident man in all areas of your life.

So now that you know the stoic traits women are looking for, what are you going to do about it?

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