Why Women Need to Start Approaching Men 

Women need to start approaching men. 3 images of couples with the woman approaching.

In today’s dating world, many men are hesitant to make the first move.

The #MeToo movement has brought much-needed attention to issues of harassment and consent, but it has also made some men wary of approaching women for fear of being labeled a creep or facing frivolous harassment charges.

This is why it’s more important than ever for women to feel empowered to take the initiative and approach men themselves. Let’s explore why women should start making the first move and how to do it confidently. 

The Impact of the #MeToo Movement 

The #MeToo movement has changed the way many men behave.

Feminists claim this is a positive step towards creating safer environments, but it has also made many men hesitant to approach women, fearing misunderstandings or frivolous accusations. 

Why Women Should Approach Men 

2. Breaking Stereotypes: It’s not any news to anyone that women don’t generally approach men and that this has become even more strengthened by culture, but our culture has also made men approaching women into a real legal danger. So ladies, something has to change. 

3. Reducing Pressure: When women make the first move, it takes the pressure off men. This can lead to more genuine and relaxed interactions where he isn’t trying to win you over in some stupid way, but actually just having a real moment with you with real engagement. 

How to Approach a Man 

The plain truth is that all a woman has to do is say “Hi I am so & so and I thought you were attractive.” That’s it, he will take it from there ladies. But if you want a bit more details on it I will list them out for ya.

1. Be Confident: Confidence is key but not in the way women look for confidence in a man. Approach him with a smile and make eye contact. Men want a woman’s confidence in her attraction to him. 

2. Start with a Compliment: Compliments are a great icebreaker. You can compliment his style, something he’s doing, or even his smile. This breaks down all the defenses in his head saying, “she isn’t interested, she’s just being nice, she’s baiting you into something.”

3. Ask Open-Ended Questions: Engage him in conversation by asking open-ended questions. This encourages him to share more about himself and keeps the conversation flowing. 

4. Be Yourself: Authenticity is attractive. Men can tell if a woman is acting or pretending to be someone she isn’t and it is very, very annoying. Noone wants to be around a fake person. Be yourself and let your personality shine through. 

The Odds of Rejection 

One of the biggest fears when approaching someone is the possibility of rejection but honey, the reality is that for a woman approaching a man there is almost no chance of rejection.

Men don’t get approached, and when we are it is such a powerful thing that we almost can’t reject her unless if we are already in a committed relationship, and even then many men will have a very hard time flat out rejecting her simply because this is so out of the norm for men going through life.

Ladies, the chances of being rejected are quite low, especially if you approach with confidence and a positive attitude. 

You need to approach that guy you’ve been daydreaming about

In the modern dating landscape, it’s time for women to feel empowered to make the first move. The #MeToo movement has made many men more cautious, but this doesn’t mean they aren’t interested.

By approaching men, women can break down traditional gender roles, reduce pressure on men, and create more balanced relationships. Remember, kindness femininity and authenticity are key, and the chances of being rejected are minimal.

So go ahead chicas, take the initiative, and see where it leads! 

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