The Secrets of Happy and Successful Marriages Revealed

3 images of a happily married couple over the years. Text: Secrets to a successful marriage broken into bite sized bits.

A successful marriage takes work, but they also take knowing what work to do and how to do it.

Marriage is one of the most important and rewarding relationships in life, but it can also be challenging and complex.

Many couples wonder what makes a marriage happy and successful, and how they can achieve it.

Is there a secret formula or a magic ingredient that can guarantee marital bliss?

While there is no simple answer to this question, research has revealed some factors that can contribute to a happy and successful marriage.

In this article, we will explore some of these factors and offer some practical tips that you can apply to your own relationship.

Healthy Communication

Some tips for improving communication in your marriage are:

  • Talk to each other regularly, not just about practical matters, but also about your dreams, hopes, fears, and feelings.
  • Be honest and respectful when you communicate. Avoid lying, blaming, criticizing, or insulting your partner.
  • Be a good listener. Pay attention to what your partner is saying, and show interest and empathy. Don’t interrupt, judge, or offer unsolicited advice.
  • Use “I” statements instead of “you” statements. For example, say “I feel hurt when you ignore me” instead of “You are so rude and selfish”.
  • Use positive feedback. Praise your partner for their strengths, achievements, and efforts. Express gratitude for the things they do for you.
  • Use nonverbal communication. Smile, hug, kiss, hold hands, and make eye contact with your partner. These gestures can convey love, warmth, and support.
  • Try to discover each other’s unique love language.
2 images of couples on top of mountains. Text: Building a successful marriage is like climbing a mountain, you build it one step at a time and there's no shortcut.


Some tips for strengthening commitment in your marriage are:

  • Remind yourself of the reasons why you chose your partner, and why you love them.
  • Renew your vows. You can do this formally or informally, privately or publicly. You can write your own vows or use the ones you said on your wedding day.
  • Celebrate your anniversary. Make it a special occasion to honor your relationship and your journey together.
  • Set goals together. Plan for the future, and work as a team to achieve them.
  • Support each other’s dreams and aspirations. Encourage your partner to pursue their passions and interests.
  • Avoid temptations. Stay away from situations or people that might threaten your fidelity or loyalty.


A third factor for a happy and successful marriage is intimacy. Intimacy is the emotional and physical closeness that you share with your partner.

Intimacy helps you to feel loved, valued, and connected, and it also enhances your sexual satisfaction and well-being. 

It’s also one of the key secrets to a successful marriage that the U of Chicago study found, as it helps couples to maintain happiness, affection, and romance.

  • Spend quality time together. Do things that you both enjoy, or try something new and exciting.
  • Share your feelings with each other. Open up about your emotions, fears, hopes, and desires.
  • Compliment each other. Tell your partner what you like about them, their appearance, their personality, their skills.
  • Touch each other often. Cuddle on the couch, massage each other’s shoulders, stroke each other’s hair.
  • Have sex regularly. Make sex a priority in your relationship. Be attentive to your partner’s needs and preferences. Experiment with different positions or techniques.
  • Be playful. Flirt with each other, tease each other gently, joke around with each other.


Marriage is not always easy or perfect, but it can be happy and successful if you are willing to work on it.

By applying these tips to your own relationship, you can improve your communication skills, strengthen your bond with your partner, and enhance your sexual satisfaction.

Remember that every marriage is unique and different. What works for one couple may not work for another.

The most important thing is to find what works for you and your partner, and to keep working on it. Marriage is a journey, not a destination.

Enjoy the ride!

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