How the Presidential Election is Affecting Relationships 

How the presidential election is affecting relationships. Images of Trump after the attempted assassination and Kamala at the podium.

The 2024 election is heating up, and it’s not just the candidates feeling the pressure. Many couples and families are finding that political differences are causing stress and tension in their relationships.

Let’s dive into how this election is impacting relationships and what you can do to keep the peace at home. 

The Political Divide 

For example, topics like immigration, gender identity, and racial diversity and especially the attempted assassination of President Trump, are hot-button issues that can lead to heated debates.

When one of you feels strongly about a particular issue, it can be challenging to find common ground. This divide isn’t just limited to romantic relationships; it can also affect friendships and family dynamics. 

But you need to talk through it and find some sort of common ground, or you need to make sure these topics are something to stay away from. But that is only setting you up for failure later when one of these big make of break issues like abortion comes head on into your life and relationship.

Think about it for a moment, you get pregnant and your boyfriend wants you to have an abortion while you don’t believe that’s right. What do you do? Do you go into these issues without having talked about them before? No. You can’t, that’s like asking for a failed relationship and a set of broken hearts and maybe worse.

Trump addresses rally attendees.

Stress and Mental Health 

A study from the Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health found that elections are often seen as extremely unpleasant events, causing significant stress among vulnerable populations. This stress can spill over into personal relationships, making it harder to communicate effectively and maintain a positive connection. 

Real-Life Impact 

This scenario is not unique. Many couples are finding it difficult to navigate their political differences, especially when the issues are deeply personal. The polarization of American politics has made it harder for people to see eye-to-eye, even with those they love. 

Kamala addresses a crowd in Atlanta.

Coping Strategies 

So, what can you do if you find yourself in a similar situation? Here are some tips to help manage election-related stress and maintain healthy relationships: 

1. Communicate Openly: It’s essential to talk about your feelings and listen to your partner’s perspective. Try to understand where they’re coming from, even if you don’t agree. These issues aren’t going away and the more you talk, the more you will come together and hopefully find a way to common ground.

2. Set Boundaries: If political discussions are causing too much stress, it might be helpful to set some ground rules. Agree to take breaks from talking about politics or avoid certain topics altogether. And remember, the algorithms are made to feed you the most extreme and controversial things because that’s what gets the clicks. That’s not how the whole world, or whole opposite side thinks and feels.

3. Focus on Common Ground: Find areas where you both agree and build on those. Remember that your relationship is more than just your political views. Look, you had an entire relationship before politics became the talk of every channel. Go back to that and to the things you love together.

4. Practice Self-Care: Take care of your mental health by engaging in activities that help you relax and de-stress. This could be anything from exercise to meditation to spending time with friends. Get away from the crap on the news and the videos. I can’t tell you how refreshing it is when I take a few weeks away from the 24/7 news feeds.

5. Seek Professional Help: If the stress becomes too overwhelming, consider talking to a therapist. They can provide strategies to help you cope and improve your communication skills. 

The election is just getting ramped up and so it the stress that comes with it

The 2024 election is undoubtedly affecting relationships across the country. The political divide, coupled with the stress of the electoral process, can create significant challenges for couples and families. However, by communicating openly, setting boundaries, and focusing on common ground, it’s possible to navigate these turbulent times and maintain healthy relationships. 

Remember, it’s okay to disagree with your loved ones. What’s important is how you handle those disagreements and support each other through the ups and downs of the election season. 

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