Reconnect After a Rough Patch: 5 Tips for Restoring Intimacy 

3 images of intimate couples. Text: How to restore the intimacy after a rough patch in a relationship.

Here’s how you can reconnect and rekindle the intimacy and romance in your relationship today.

Relationships are not always easy.  

I think any relationship that makes it more than a few years is going to go through those times where the lust fades, and the desire doesn’t burn so bright. 

Sometimes, we go through periods of conflict, stress, or boredom that can make us feel distant from our partner.  

In today’s busy world it’s easy to lose the spark that once ignited our passion and intimacy.  

But don’t worry, this is normal, and it doesn’t mean that your relationship is over or doomed.  

There are ways to reconnect with your partner after a rough patch and restore the intimacy that you both crave.  

I’ve put together 5 top tips that can help you reconnect and rekindle the flame in your relationship. 

Bonus: At the end I’ve given you 3 hot ways to make intimacy an everyday part of your relationship. 

1. Communicate openly and honestly to start restoring intimacy 

One of the most important steps to reconnect with your partner is to talk to them about how you feel and what you need.  

Communication in a relationship if fundamental in building a strong foundation of love and respect with each other.

Don’t try to bottle up your emotions or try to avoid difficult conversations.  

That only makes hurt feelings turn into resentments. 

Instead, when you’re feeling distant, express your thoughts and feelings in a respectful and constructive way.  

And if your partner is confiding in you, listen to their perspective and try to understand their point of view.  

Try to avoid blaming, criticizing, or judging each other even if the other person is in the wrong.  

If you can instead focus on finding solutions and compromises that work for both of you, your relationship will grow stronger from the issues that arise.

2. Spend quality time together 

Another way to reconnect with your partner is to make time for each other.  

This isn’t just being in the same house together or at the same event. 

But really make time to be together in each other’s company. 

Schedule regular dates, outings, or activities that you both enjoy.  

My wife and I make it a point to at the very least go out for a lunch date with just the 2 of us every Sunday. 

It’s become a routine, but it’s also become a special little time for us to just enjoy each other. 

It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or expensive, just something that allows you to have fun and relax together.  

One of the things I always tell people to do is to try something new or adventurous to spice up your routine and create new memories.  

There is an idea in the psychology community called ‘first firsts.’ 

These are when you take on new experiences for the very first time together. 

It’s a huge bonding thing that really deepens your connection to each other and builds intimacy. 

The key though is to show interest and appreciation for your partner and their hobbies, passions, and goals. 

2 images of couples holding each other and spending quality time together. Text: Quality time and showing physical affection build intimacy in lasting ways.

3. Showing physical affection builds intimacy  

Physical touch is a powerful way to reconnect with your partner and reignite your intimacy.  

It can also reduce stress, increase happiness, and improve your health.  

So don’t be shy to hug, kiss, cuddle, or hold hands with your partner.  

Forget about the intimacy being in the bedroom and understand that it has to be throughout the day. 

She has to physically feel your love and affection in little ways. 

My wife loves how I touch her when I walk by.  

Just a hand in the small of her back or a quick kiss on the neck. 

And when it comes to the bedroom, make it about your partner. 

Listen, touch, caress and try to give them an experience and they will want to return that passion. 

4. You have to be willing to support each other 

If you are going to reconnect with your partner, you have to be there for them when they need you.  

It doesn’t matter whether they are going through a personal or professional challenge, a health issue, or a loss.  

You have to show them that you are on their side and that you care about their well-being.  

Try to offer them comfort, encouragement, advice, or help as appropriate.  

You can also celebrate their achievements, successes, and milestones with them.  

By supporting each other, you can strengthen your bond and trust. 

Ladies, one of the very best things you can do to show him your support is to show him your appreciation for those things he does in the relationship or for the household. 

Men, you have to be able to show your woman that you are emotionally available to her and willing to listen to her issues and needs. 

5. Don’t be afraid to seek professional help if needed  

Sometimes, reconnecting with your partner after a rough patch may require more than just your own efforts.  

You may need the guidance and assistance of a professional therapist or counselor who can help you identify and resolve the underlying issues that are affecting your relationship.  

There is no shame in seeking help if you need it.  

In fact, it shows that you are committed to improving your relationship and making it work. 

We can only see the world through our eyes and our own experiences but someone who is totally detached from your relationship can look at it objectively. 

But this requires just as much honesty, communication and effort as the other tips. 

A professional can’t wave a wand or give you magic words. 

It takes an everyday effort to change from the path you’re on and to stay on a path of intimacy and connection. 

2 images of couples after reconnecting intimately. Text: Reconnecting with your partner can be done but it takes effort. Show your love everyday in physical ways.

Reconnecting with your partner after a rough patch isn’t impossible  

It may seem hard or awkward at first but so what? 

It’s a lot harder and awkward getting a divorce or finding a new partner. 

And your relationship deserves to be a good one where the intimacy burns bright, and you both feel loved and appreciated. 

Often times when we have gone through a rough patch it’s our own sense of pride or anxiety keeping us from simply giving to our partner again and rekindling that fire. 

Here are 3 hot ways to make intimacy an everyday part of your relationship 

  1. Touch your partner throughout the day 

If you want to rebuild the intimacy in your relationship, you have to physically try to rebuild it.  

And that means getting physical throughout the day. 

When you pass your partner try giving them a little squeeze on the butt or a gentle hand sliding over a hip. 

After a while you’ll find yourselves kissing more, touching in public and really displaying your affection for each other in new ways. 

  1. Making love often makes it better 

Ok, this one may be especially directed at the men’s performance, but ladies listen up because this matters to your pleasure as well. 

The more often you do it, the better you will become at it. 

It shouldn’t have to be said that if you’re only being intimate once a month and wondering why the experience is over in a few moments, you already have your answer. 

Start to get intimate more often and you will quickly find yourselves, well, getting intimate more often and having more fun at it. 

An active love life really does boost the entire level of intimacy in a relationship. 

  1. Talking dirty isn’t just for the bedroom 

Your partner wants to know the dirty thoughts you have about them throughout the day. 

They are going to think about you doing sexy things with them later. 

And with that the entire mood of the day just changed to one of intimacy and closeness. 

Men just be sure to remember there’s a line between making a sexy mention and going too far to turn her off.  

But if you 2 both practice turning each other on throughout the day, you will be amazed how quickly the fire starts burning again in your relationship. 

Restoring the intimacy can be done

It may take some time, patience, and work, but it is worth it.  

You can restore the intimacy that you once had and enjoy a happier and healthier relationship with your partner. 

It takes effort, energy and time but so does building a relationship in the first place. 

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